Another Collision Between Japanese Whalers and Activists

Published on: February 8, 2010

Anti-whaling activist group Sea Shepherd has had another collision with a Japanese whaling ship.

Confrontations between the groups seem to be escalating. The Associated Press reported that the Sea Shepherd’s ship, named the Bob Barker, collided with a Japanese harpoon boat in the waters off Antarctica. Though both boats sustained damage, neither is in danger of sinking and no one was injured. 

In January, the Sea Shepard’s high-tech speed boat called the Ady Gil sank after its bow was torn off in a collision with a harpoon ship. 

The Sea Shepherd group, whose activities are portrayed in the television show ‘Whale Wars,’ has doggedly pursued the Japanese whaling fleet for several years, attempting to disrupt their hunt and draw public attention to the issue. Japan says the whales are killed for scientific study, though the meat is sold for public consumption.

Read the story at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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