Sustainable Packaging Industry to Double Revenues by 2014 – Study

Published on: January 6, 2010

The sustainable packaging sector
is growing much faster than the overall packaging industry, and eco-friendly
packaging will nearly double in revenues between 2009 and 2014, from
$88 billion to $170 billion, according to a new report by Pike Research.

Packaging for a variety of consumer, commercial, and industrial goods is not a well-understood or high-profile industry for most people, but it continues to grow rapidly, fueled largely by the increase in demand for consumer goods in developing countries. 

According to a recent report from Pike Research, worldwide packaging industry revenues will increase from $429 billion in 2009 to $530 billion by 2014, representing a growth rate greater than that of the global economy itself.

Along with this growth comes an ever-greater burden on the environment in the form of raw materials, energy, transportation, and disposal impacts.  

“The sustainable packaging challenge is one that must be solved by multiple parties in a spirit of cooperation,” says Pike Researcj managing director Clint Wheelock. “The move toward more environmentally responsible packaging is being embraced by consumers, manufacturers, retailers, advocacy groups, and world governments alike.”

The report anticipates that plastic-based packaging will be the fastest-growing segment of the sustainable packaging sector between now and 2014. “More eco-friendly plastic packaging will have a huge impact,” says Wheelock, “because it represents more than a third of the total global packaging industry, second only to paper packaging.”

The report examines key market drivers and includes five-year forecasts for the total packaging market as well as the sustainable packaging sector, segmented by packaging material categories and world regions. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download at the link below.

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