EPA Proposes Stricter Smog Standard

Published on: January 8, 2010

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Thursday proposed a stricter health standard for smog.

Smog, also known as ground-level ozone, is linked to a number of serious health problems, ranging from aggravation of asthma to increased risk of premature death in people with heart or lung disease. Ozone can even harm healthy people who work and play outdoors. The agency is proposing to replace the standards set by the Bush administration, which many believe were not protective enough of human health.

The agency is proposing to set the “primary” standard, which protects
public health, at a level between 0.060 and 0.070 parts per million
(ppm) measured over eight hours. Children are at the greatest risk from
ozone, because their lungs are still developing, they are most likely
to be active outdoors, and they are more likely than adults to have
asthma. Adults with asthma or other lung diseases, and older adults are
also sensitive to ozone.

The existing standard of 0.075 ppm was set under the Bush administration in March 2008 and ran counter to scientists’ recommendations.

“EPA is stepping up to protect Americans from one of the most persistent and widespread pollutants we face. Smog in the air we breathe poses a very serious health threat, especially to children and individuals suffering from asthma and lung disease. It dirties our air, clouds our cities, and drives up our health care costs across the country,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Using the best science to strengthen these standards is a long overdue action that will help millions of Americans breathe easier and live healthier.”

EPA is also proposing to set a separate “secondary” standard to protect the environment, especially plants and trees. This seasonal standard is designed to protect plants and trees from damage occurring from repeated ozone exposure, which can reduce tree growth, damage leaves, and increase susceptibility to disease.

Depending on the level of the final standard, the proposal would yield health benefits between $13 billion and $100 billion, EPA said. This proposal would help reduce premature deaths, aggravated asthma, bronchitis cases, hospital and emergency room visits and days when people miss work or school because of ozone-related symptoms. Estimated costs of implementing this proposal range from $19 billion to $90 billion.

The non-profit Clean Air Watch today hailed the Environmental Protection Agency’s new smog proposal as a "breath of fresh air."

"This EPA decision will determine the quality of the air we breathe in America for the next decade, and probably beyond. If EPA follows through, it will mean significantly cleaner air and better health protection," said Frank O’Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch.

Ground-level ozone forms when emissions from industrial facilities, power plants, landfills and motor vehicles react in the sun.

EPA will take public comment for 60 days after the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. The agency will hold three public hearings on the proposal: Feb. 2, 2010 in Arlington, Va. and in Houston; and Feb. 4, 2010 in Sacramento.

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