'Danish Text' Disrupts Copenhagen

Published on: December 9, 2009

A report in the UK’s Guardian newspaper states that a leaked text prepared by developed nations threw the second day of climate change negotiations into ‘disarray.’

Developing nations that reviewed the so-called Danish text say it is an effort by rich nations to subvert the negotiating process and force poor nations into compliance with an unfair climate change agreement.

The text reportedly proposes to do away with the current, legally binding Kyoto Protocol; route funding for poor nations through the World Bank, instead of the United Nations; require poor countries to commit to specific emissions cuts; and set unequal per capita carbon targets for rich and poor nations in 2050. 

The text was drafted as a working framework. Developing nations prepared their own text in the lead up to the conference that lays out a vastly different vision for a global treaty. . 

In his press briefing on Tuesday, Climate Secretary Yvo de Boer said that negotiatiors must take these separate texts and others drafted in working groups and cobble together a "coherent set of action-oriented proposals that everyone feels comfortable with."

"To be quite honest, I wish we had all of these drafts two years ago instead of two weeks ago," De Boer said.

Read the Guardian coverage at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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