'Climategate' Emails Do Not Reveal Fraud – AP

The e-mails at the heart of the so-called Climategate scandal show that climate scientists are guilty of anger toward global warming skeptics, but they do not support claims that climate change is a vast conspiracy, according to the Associated Press, which reviewed the 1,073 messages in question.

The AP on Saturday published the findings of its lengthy review, carried out by five reporters. It found that climate scientists repeatedly discussed withholding data from skeptics–though its unclear how often it may have happened. Such actions would undermine the premise of open, government-funded research. The e-mails show that some of the researchers believed their work would be misconstrued by skeptics and that numerous Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were wasting government time and money. 

The e-mail that has gained the most notoriety, concerning a "trick" of changing temperature data, is explained in the AP report. Phil Jones, chief of climate change research at the University of East Anglia, reportedly was referring to swapping out temperature estimates based on tree-ring observations for the years after 1950 with the actual measured temperatures on record. 

Read the full story at the link below.

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Comments on “'Climategate' Emails Do Not Reveal Fraud – AP”

  1. O.B. Ron Quixote

    The AP investigating??? Isn’t that like the Nixon administration investigating Watergate? lol

    I’m sorry but “reporters” are not scientists or programmers. They may be able to spin the content of emails but since the proof of the fraud is not in the emails, it does not surprise me the AP “reporters” couldn’t find anything.

    That’s because the proof is in the computer model programming code! Forget the emails! It’s in the code – irrefutable evidence the data has had “artificial corrections” applied to correct for temperature declines.

    But the “reporters” don’t likely know that since none of them likely understand FORTRAN – the computer programming language used to calculate the CRU findings that the IPCC uses.

    Reporters and journalists don’t get it because all they understand are emails – which only show intent. But try as they might, state-run media cannot spin computer code. Computers do what they are told, not what you want them to do! And to get computers to spit out justification for global warming (at least what man is responsible for), one has to manipulate otherwise contrary data.

    So forget the d@mn emails, already. If you want the truth, talk to the thousands of programmers who have been carefully reviewing the climate model code.

    I’ll take the word of programmers loooooonnnnggg before I will trust a smattering of obama sympathizers disguised as “reporters”!

    Evidently, the nixon administration still has shills in the state-run media!

  2. SPQR_US

    What are you retarded the emails were the very signed definition of FRAUD. The AP is utterl corrupt and fewer and fewer people believe them and now they are begging for a bailout because no advertiser will waste money on rags no one reads or likes, NO CHANCE. The emails of climategate show a pattern fraud and deceit that even a 3rd grader can follow. You morons in science and engineering witholding data is a fatal sin. it tells everyne that you are a fraudster and can’t hold up our numbers my God how corrupt can the AP be????

    I guess you are not completely retarded you didn’t put your lying name on the piece of crap article.


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