3 Stories: Energy Policy, EPA Legal Issues, Rare Earths

Published on: December 30, 2009

SustainableBusiness.com will take the next two days off to celebrate the New Year. To hold you over, I’d like to recommend three in-depth stories:

US Energy Policy in 2009

High hopes for a revamp of US energy policy under the Obama administration have thus far been disappointed, according to a San Francisco Chronicle report. Not since the Arabl oil embargo has so much attention been focused on energy, but the major issues remain unresolved, due in large part to a surge of lobbying in Washington. Read the story.

EPA Faces Legal Minefield Over CO2 Regulation

The Obama Administration is walking through a legal minefield as it plans to regulate greenhouse gases, according to a Dow Jones story. But despite the possible explosion of court challenges, petitions and law suits, environmental lawyers say the EPA has a chance of charting a regulatory course that prevents critics’ worst fears of sustained economic damage. Read the story.

Rare Earth Mining in China

Rare earth metals are a group of elements used in the production of advanced electronics and equipment used in the cleantech industry–such as light-weight magnets for electric motors. The vast majority of these metals are mined in China. The New York Times examines the environmental damage resulting from mining, and the risk to the U.S. and other western countries who rely on the metals for manufacturing. Read the story at the link below.

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