10MW Solar Farm Planned in Maryland

Published on: December 2, 2009

CPV Renewable Energy Company (CPV REC) plans to build a 10-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar farm in southern Maryland to be co-located with a proposed natural gas-powered generator at the CPV St. Charles Energy Center.

The announcement was made Monday as part of American Community Properties Trust (ACPT) 9,100-acre planned "Model Green City" in Charles County.

Named the CPV Piney Reach Solar Farm, the planned facility will begin permitting immediately and is expected to be in service by 2012. The project is the largest of its kind announced in the state. Co-locating the solar farm with a natural gas generator represents a new "hybrid" approach to electricity generation being developed by CPV.

"We are extremely excited to be bringing this solar project to the people of Maryland in conjunction with our CPV St. Charles Energy Center," said Competitive Power Ventures Chairman and CEO Doug Egan. "We believe this combination of renewable generation with natural gas generation will be the wave of the future and Maryland is on the cutting edge."

The project will also contribute to a state goal of installing 1,500 MW of solar by 2022.

Headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, CPV REC is currently developing several major solar projects nationwide and has more than 5,000 MW of wind projects under development. CPV said a fifth of these projects are currently in negotiations for their output and are expected to be online by 2012.

Website: http://www.cpv.com     
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