Philippines Press Forward on Geothermal

Published on: November 6, 2009

The Philippine government is getting ready to develop its huge  geothermal resources, which could attract over $2.5 billion in private investment, an official told Reuters.

Geothermal energy supplies 17% of the Philippine’s energy as of 2008, with an installed capacity of about 2 GW. The new projects would add about 620 MW.

The country, which is the world’s second-largest geothermal developer, plans to give the go-ahead on 19 projects over the next five months. The firms competing for contracts range from domestic power utility, Energy Development Corp to Iceland-based Envent, a division of Geysir Green Energy.

The government is offering incentives such as tax holidays and tariff exemptions for renewable energy projects – 87 contracts have recently been awarded to develop renewable  energy projects.

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