Hemlock Semiconductor Begins Construction in Tennessee

Published on: November 16, 2009

Hemlock Semiconductor on Friday announced the start of construction for its new polysilicon production plant in Clarksville, Tennessee. 

The plants is expected to cost $1.2 billion and require 800 construction jobs. It is scheduled for completion in 2012.

The new facility will produce polycrystalline silicon to meet the needs of the solar industry. It is expected to emply 500 full-time workers in solar jobs.

Initially, the new site will have the capacity to manufacture greater than 10,000 metric tons of polysilicon, with the ability to expand production up to 21,000 metric tons.

The site will contain over 150,000 cubic yards of concrete, 20,000 tons of structural steel, and more than one million feet of piping, which equates to 1.3 miles of piping installed per week.

Hemlock Semiconductor said it is continuing the process of qualifying suppliers of material and labor and will continue to expand its contractor base over the coming months.

"The State of Tennessee has enthusiastically embraced our company and the alternative energy industry," said Rick Doornbos, president and CEO of Hemlock Semiconductor. "Governor Bredesen’s forward thinking initiatives around solar in combination with Tennessee’s attractive business climate, access to lower cost energy and a talented workforce reaffirm Hemlock Semiconductor’s decision to locate here."

In December 2008, Hemlock and Dow Corning announced plans to expand the capacity of their joint venture for polysilicon production in Michigan.

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