GridWise Alliance Members Elected to US Smart Grid Panel

Published on: November 23, 2009

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This week the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) held the first meeting of its Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) and elected their Governing Board. This select panel represents twenty-two categories of stakeholder groups. The SGIP has a membership of over 370 organizations; that group elected twenty individuals to the Governing Board, nine of whom are also members of the GridWise Alliance.

The GridWise Alliance has been engaged in the NIST standards road mapping from the onset, responding to technical drafts, meeting with NIST leadership, and having Terry Mohn, the Alliance Vice-Chair, represent the coalition in the numerous NIST stakeholder meetings. The Alliance believes that standards will be of critical importance as smart grid technologies are deployed at scale.

The nine Governing Board members whose companies belong to the GridWise Alliance are:

Tariq Samad, Honeywell (NYSE: HON); George Bjelovek, American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP); Ken Van Meter, Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT); Matthew Theall, Intel Corporation (Nasdq: INTC) ; Vint Cerf, Google, Inc (Nasdaq: GOOG); Le Tang, ABB, Inc. (NYSE: ABB); Wayne Longcore, Consumers Energy (NYSE: CMS); John McDonald, GE Energy (NYSE: GE); and Paul de Martini, Southern California Edison (NYSE: EIX).

The GridWise Alliance, founded in 2003, is a coalition of public and private stakeholders in the smart grid industry. Members include utilities, IT companies, equipment vendors, new technology providers and academic institutions.

Earlier this year the Alliance released a report stating that up to 280,000 new jobs can be created directly from the deployment of smart grid technologies in the US.

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