Disney To Offset Emissions Through Major Reforestation Projects

Published on: November 4, 2009

The Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS) announced one of the largest corporate partnerships with conservation groups to restore forests in the Amazon, Congo and United States.   

The company will invest $7 million as part of its effort to reduce  emissions. Earlier this year, Disney committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2012. In addition to directly reducing emissions throughout the corporation, Disney is investing in high quality offset projects that conserve the world’s forests.

The Disney funds benefit the Tayna and Kisimba-Ikobo Community Reserves in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and the Alta Mayo conservation project in Peru, as well as reforestation in the U.S. Lower Mississippi Delta and forest management efforts in North California.

Partners include the Conservation International, the Nature Conservancy and the Conservation Fund.

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