Biosolids Facility Treats Waste, Feeds Grid

Published on: November 16, 2009

The Ventura Regional Sanitation District (VRSD) in California announced the start-up of a cutting-edge solid waste management facility.

The new Biosolids Drying and Electric Generation Facility is powered by landfill gas, and recycles 100% of its resources to provide a regional biosolids management solution and generate renewable energy for the local power grid.

VRSD said the project cost-effectively addresses the growing challenge
faced by many communities of how to manage their biosolids, the
nutrient-rich byproduct of domestic and commercial wastewater

The VRSD facility converts 150 tons of biosolids per
day into multi-purpose, recyclable material. The system’s modular design occupies a compact footprint and can be
replicated at virtually any similar landfill worldwide.

The facility is comprised of 80-ton-per-day biosolids dryers and the nine microturbines that generate 2.25 megawatts (MW) of electricity.

VRSD serves more than 600,000 residents of Ventura County, providing solid waste management, water supply, and wastewater treatment in multiple locations throughout the region. As an enterprise public agency, VRSD receives no tax support of any kind, and serves the majority of its clients under contract.

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