BC Hydro Moves Forward on Clean Power Call

Published on: November 20, 2009

BC Hydro is continuing to advance the Clean Power Call to acquire renewable power generation, the crown corporation announced this week.

In July, Reuters reported that the BC Hydro’s plans for increasing renewable power were in doubt, after the British Columbia Utilities Commission rejected the long-term business plan of utility BC Hydro.

BC Hydro did not address the issue in its statement this week, but said it will begin awarding contracts for the Clean Power Call in December and plans
to file the agreements with the British Columbia Utilities Commission
in early 2010.

BC Hydro is looking to add 5,000 gigawatt hours per year of renewable energy capacity.

BC Hydro said it received a total of 68 proposals representing more than 17,000
gigawatt hours per year of electricity.

The company has eliminated 21
proposals that are not proceeding in the Clean Power Call either
because proponents withdrew their proposals; the proposals did not meet
the requirements of the request for proposals, or the proposals were
considered to have too high a level of risk.

BC Hydro will now move
forward with discussions with the proponents of the 13 proposals that have been
identified as the most cost-effective. BC Hydro did not give the names of these companies.

In addition, BC Hydro will
provide an opportunity for the proponents of the remaining 34 proposals
to make their proposals more cost-effective. Proposals remaining in the
Clean Power Call include hydro, wind and waste heat.

British Columbia has set a goal of achieving electricity self-sufficiency in the province by 2016.


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