N.C. Green Industry Generates $3.5B in Revenue – Report

Published on: October 14, 2009

Renewable energy and energy efficiency industries generate more than $3.5 billion in annual revenue from North Carolina activities, according to figures in a new report.

The North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) released its 2009 North Carolina Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries Census, which identified 10,250 full-time equivalent green jobs across a broad supply chain in all 100 counties of North Carolina.

NCSEA identified and surveyed 1,136 firms potentially meeting green criteria. The firms largely represented businesses, but several state agencies, education outfits, and non-profits were also included. A total of 548 firms met the qualifications and responded to the census’ 23 questions. Another 110 firms indicated they did not meet any of the qualifying criteria.

Manufacturers support the greatest percentage of employees–23% of the reported jobs were with firms that identified manufacturing as most important to their business.

Wake County is leading the state’s green energy economy due to its 141 firms reporting a presence. Mecklenburg County ranks second with 99 firms and Buncombe County ranks third with 57 firms.

NCSEA defines a “presence” as having a headquarters, satellite office, manufacturing facility, or remotely located employees. The Research Triangle Region supports 36% of the reporting firms’ headquarters.

The full report is available as a pdf at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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