N.C. Bans Plastic Bottles from Landfills

Published on: October 1, 2009

Beginning October 1, plastic bottles will be banned from disposal in North Carolina landfills, along with motor oil filters and wooden pallets.

The ban is meant to reinforce the state’s goal of recycling 2 million tons of material by 2012–up from the current rate of 1.3 million tons.

Enforcement of the disposal bans will chiefly be applied at disposal facilities such as landfills and transfer stations by the N.C. Division of Waste Management. It is unlikely that enforcement will take place at individual businesses or other generating facilities, the state said. 

The state previously passed bans on the disposal of computer equipment and televisions. Those bans won’t take effect until January 1, 2011. 

State recycling director Scott Mouw told the Associated Press the state currently recycles fewer than one in five bottles–a rate that is sure to improve with the establishment of the new ban.

In April 2009, Shaw Industries Group, Inc. and DAK Americas, LLC created a joint venture in Fayetteville, North Carolina, called Clear Path Recycling, LLC. The facility aims to recycle more than 280 million pounds annually of PET bottles, which would make it the largest PET recycling operation in North America.

Shaw will use the recycled fiber to manufacture carpet, while DAK will sell its share on the market. Read additional coverage at the link below.

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