Murkowski May Join Climate Compromise in Senate

Published on: October 19, 2009

Democrats in the U.S. Senate may have found another Republican to support climate change legislation, after suggesting last week that they would be willing to compromise on nuclear power and expanded drilling for domestic oil and gas.

Conservative Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said in a Sunday interview on C-SPAN that she would keep an open mind on cap-and-trade legislation. 

As reported by Reuters, Murkowski said the changes taking place in her home state of Alaska are why she is "one of those Republicans who has stepped out front a little bit more on the issue of climate change."

Last week Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) joined Democrat John Kerry (D-Mass.)–a co-author of the Senate’s climate change bill–in writing a New York Times op-ed piece suggesting compromises that could garner bi-partisan support for climate change legislation. 

Nonetheless, many capital insiders say there will not be time for the Senate to debate and vote on climate change by the end of the year. 

In Related News…

Republicans who are categorically unwilling to support the regulation of greenhouse gases are stirring up their first major attack, claiming that the EPA rushed its "endangerment finding" enroute to proposing restriction under the clean air act. As evidence, they are pointing to an EPA economist whose views opposing a cap-and-trade system were allegedly suppressed by his superiors. 

Read Jim Snyder’s story on at the link below.

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