Senate Climate Change Bill Delayed

Published on: September 2, 2009

Democratic leaders said Monday a Senate climate bill will not be ready until the end of September, according to a report on

The bill was expected to be written by the time lawmakers returned to Washington next week, but lead authors Barbara Boxer and John Kerry said it will not be introduced until the end of the month, meaning an even tighter schedule for passing the bill before Copenhagen climate negotiations in December–the stated goal of the Obama administration and House and Senate leadership.

Meanwhile, other Democratic Senators have been "fine-tuning" their cap-and-trade messages, according to a New York Times report.

Democrats need all 60 of their votes to pass a bill. This includes the seat now vacant, following the death of Senator Edward Kennedy. Majority Leader Harry Reid reportedly has asked Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick to help change a state law so there can be an immediate replacement for Kennedy. 

But even if that takes place, Reid still needs the votes of reluctant Democrats like Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad of North Dakota.

Read full coverage at the link below.

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