SDTC Funds 18 Canadian Startups

Published on: September 11, 2009

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), an "arm’s-length foundation" created by the Government of Canada, announced C$54 million (US$49.9 million) in funding to support the development and demonstration of 18 cleantech startups.

These new investments bring SDTC’s total portfolio value to C$1.4 billion. SDTC’s SD Tech Fund™ has completed fourteen funding rounds, committing $425 million to 171 clean technology projects, and leveraging over $1 billion from project consortia members.

The newly funded projects are representative of the investment priorities established in the SD Business Cases™, a series of five reports published by SDTC and which provide strategic insights into specific economic sectors, including clean conventional fuels, biofuels and commercial buildings.

Some highlights of this funding round include:

  • Technologies that can make the transportation of goods more environmentally-friendly, including one that uses rechargeable panels containing ice slurry which can be used during transportation, distribution, and store shelf cooling.
  • Clean energy technologies that provide solutions to a range of issues, from access and affordability of clean water to energy-efficiency in buildings to the transformation of waste into valuable products.

“The great potential of clean technologies included in this round shows that Canada is well positioned to successfully transition to the new, green economy,” said Vicky Sharpe, SDTC President and CEO. “These are solid examples of how we can take advantage of the green stimulus to develop technological solutions to environmental issues while strengthening our economy.”

SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™ supports the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels.

SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the financial community and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

A list of all 18 projects and their descriptions can be found at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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