Google Developing Cheaper Solar Thermal Mirrors

Published on: September 10, 2009

Google Inc (Nasdaq: GOOG) is working to develop its own mirror technology for solar thermal power plants, according to a Reuters report. 

The company is exploring new materials for mirrors and substrates in an effort to bring down costs by a quarter or more, Google’s head of cleantech Bill Weihl told Reuters Global Climate and Alternative Energy Summit in San Francisco on Wednesday.

He also expressed disappointment with a lack of breakthrough investment ideas in in the sector. 

Google has invested in solar thermal companies BrightSource and e-Solar, but neither company is involved with the new mirrors, according to the report. 

Google is also working on a gas turbine that would run on solar power, rather than natural gas. Few details were given, though it sounds similar to a Sterling engine. 

Read the full report at the link below.

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