Con Ed Details NYC Smart Grid Request

Published on: September 1, 2009

Consolidated Edison, Inc. [NYSE: ED] has joined with energy experts and researchers from the public and private sectors in filing for smart grid stimulus funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The applications request approximately $46 million to help fund smart grid demonstration projects for customers served by Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc. and Orange & Rockland Utilities Inc.

Earlier this month, the company applied for $172 million in federal funding for smart grid projects. The stimulus money would help fund an overall $435 million smart grid program.

With one of the highest load densities in the world, New York City, its suburbs, and New Jersey are a complex and diverse test bed for urban and suburban smart grid performance. Smart grid technologies would help Con Edison’s 3 million customers use energy more efficiently, support alternative energy sources, enable wide spread adoption of electric vehicle charging, and enhance reliability to all customers including major medical facilities, transportation systems, financial institutions, and media centers.

To help make important aspects of a local smart grid a reality, Con Edison will work with several parties in this latest filing that calls for testing various types of innovative smart grid technologies in a large-scale demonstration project.  

Numerous elements make up the demonstration project. Some parts include: Working with the New York City Economic Development Corporation and Viridity Energy to optimize advanced building technologies and solar generation from City owned properties, such as the Brooklyn Army Terminal, into clean, virtual power generation.

Also, working with The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) to create a comprehensive middleware communications and cyber security network that will serve as the common operating environment and command and control network of an enhanced Con Edison smart grid, the same technology in use by the United States Department of Defense.

Working with Columbia University, The Prosser Group and CALM Energy on technology that allows a smart grid to increase use of renewable energy, provides intelligent energy storage, incorporates preventive maintenance and self healing capabilities to avoid system failures.

Working with Rudin Management Company Inc. customers to demonstrate emergency response and energy efficiency improvements.

The objective is to build a smart grid prototype that would enable Con Edison to demonstrate many high-tech and intelligent components, including two-way communication between the company and the customer. The pilot will also enable new technologies that can increase reliability, adaptability and efficiency in grid operation.

The DOE plans to distribute $3.9 billion in Recovery Act funds for smart grid projects through two funding opportunities. The first provides $3.3 billion to deploy and implement smart grid technologies across the country. The second provides $615 million for smart grid demonstration projects.

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