Mississippi Most Vulnerable to Oil Addiction

Published on: August 12, 2009

Rising gas prices, combined with the economic downturn are making people more vulnerable to changes in oil prices, according to new analysis by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

According to the report, the top 10 states most vulnerable to oil price increases are: #1 Mississippi; #2 Montana; #3 South Carolina; #4 Oklahoma; #5 Louisiana; #6 Kentucky, #7 Texas; #8 New Mexico; #9 Georgia; and #10 Arkansas.

The report focuses on two factors that relate to the nation’s addiction to oil. First, it calculates oil vulnerability–how heavily each state’s drivers are affected by increases in oil prices. Second, it ranks states on their adoption of solutions to reduce their oil dependence–measures they are taking to lessen their vulnerability and to bolster America’s security.

The top 10 states that are doing the most to promote clean energy technologies and reduce their dependence on oil are: #1 California; #2 Massachusetts; #3 Washington; #4 New Mexico; #5 Connecticut; #6 New York; #7 New Jersey; #8 Pennsylvania; #9 Oregon; and #10 Florida.  

“Especially with today’s economic challenges, Americans face a growing threat from our nation’s dangerous addiction to oil,” said Deron Lovaas, NRDC’s transportation policy director. “This report shows how important it is for states to promote clean energy policies that will reduce our dependence on oil, while also reducing global warming pollution.”

Lovaas added, “The Federal government can step in to help states break their addiction to oil by implementing comprehensive clean energy and climate policies and by reforming our national transportation system through an overhauled, performance-driven transportation policy.”

The report states that by promoting clean vehicle and fuel technologies as well as transportation alternatives states can reduce oil dependence. These measures can, in turn, create renewable energy jobs, reduce vulnerability to fuel price hikes, and lessen air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The report, “Fighting Oil Addiction: Ranking States’ Oil Vulnerability and Solutions for Change,” is available at the link below.

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