Green Consumers Worried About Economy

Published on: August 27, 2009

A new national study of green consumers found that the economy, not the environment, is their number one concern.

A poll of 1,007 U.S. consumers who at least occasionally buy green products found that 59% said the economy is their top concern, while only 8% said the environment.

The Shelton Group, which conducted the poll, said it also refutes some common myths about green consumers. For instance, when asked the most important reason to reduce energy consumption, 73% chose “to reduce my bills/control costs” and only 26% chose “to lessen my impact on the environment.”

The poll also found green consumers to be misinformed on environmental issues. For example, the survey asked, “From what you have read or heard about CO2 (carbon dioxide), please place a check beside any of the following statements you think are true.” Almost half (49%) chose the incorrect answer, “It depletes the ozone layer.”

While the study detected some demographic tendencies, it found that green consumers aren’t easily defined by their age, income or ethnicity. Instead, the survey found that green consumers generally share one of two mindsets. The "Engaged Green Mindset" is marked by optimism, extroversion, and a propensity to try new things–and is more likely to respond to themes of innovation and possibility. The "Mainstream Green Mindset" is more pessimistic, introverted and apt to like things known and tried–responding to themes of security and reliability.

In additioan, only 20% of respondents with children said their kids encouraged them to be greener – promoting recycling and turning off lights, for example.

The study also showed that knowledge does not always lead to behavior. Individuals who answered all of the science questions correctly did report participating in a significantly higher average number of green activities–such as driving a fuel-efficient car or lowering their thermostat. However, the 25-34 age group consistently answered the questions correctly, yet, on average, their green activity levels were lower than those of older respondents.

“Because green consumers are being stereotyped, and these myths we tested are embraced by marketers as facts, many green messages are falling on deaf ears,” Suzanne Shelton, founder of the advertising agency Shelton Group, said. “If these messages were better targeted, more people would be buying green products, conserving electricity and doing more to save the planet.”

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