EPEAT Green Electronics Registry Expands Globally

Published on: August 12, 2009

The Green Electronics Council this week announced the launch of a purchasing registry, called EPEAT, that allows the world’s leading electronics manufacturers to list green computers and monitors in 40 countries across the globe.

The EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) program evaluates computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51 environmental criteria developed through an extensive stakeholder consensus process supported by US EPA. The EPEAT system is managed by the Green Electronics Council, a nonprofit organization headquartered in Portland, OR.

Compared to traditional computer equipment, all EPEAT-registered computers have reduced levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury to better protect human health and the environment. They are more energy efficient, which reduces emissions of climate changing greenhouse gases. They are also easier to upgrade and recycle.

EPEAT is one of the most extensive and influential green IT product rating systems, with a registry of more than 1,000 products and more than 30 participating manufacturers, from global giants to small integrators.

The U.S. government requires federal agencies to buy EPEAT-registered products for at least 95% of their needs and hundreds of government and enterprise purchasers worldwide require EPEAT.

“EPEAT is providing a critical forum through which many different stakeholders come to the table to develop criteria addressing key environmental attributes that span the life cycle of electronic products,” said Alexandra McPherson, project director at Clean Production Action. “It now will provide the global marketplace with an innovative standard that helps purchasers differentiate products based on their environmental performance."

Products that meet 23 required environmental performance criteria may be registered at the EPEAT Bronze level. Depending on the number of 28 additional optional criteria the product meets it can be rated EPEAT Silver or EPEAT Gold, the highest level. Products are rewarded with additional points as they meet environmental performance criteria related to every phase of the product lifecycle. 

With the expansion announced today, IT purchasers in the US, Canada, Europe, China, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Mexico can evaluate, compare and select products that are available to them based on the products’ environmental performance in their country.

Website: http://www.epeat.net.     
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