Edison Mission Commissions 100MW N.M. Wind Farm

Published on: August 31, 2009

Edison Mission Group, Foresight Wind Energy and local co-development partner Karbon Zero, commisioned a 100-megawatts (MW) wind farm in Torrance County, N.M., about 90 miles southeast of Albuquerque.

Edison Mission Group, a subsidiary of Edison International (NYSE:EIX), owns and operates the $190 million project,  alled High Lonesome Mesa.

The entire electricity output is sold under long-term contract to Arizona Public Service.

Electricity at the site is generated by 40 wind turbines manufactured by Clipper Windpower.

U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman joined state and local officials and community leaders today for a luncheon dedication of the High Lonesome Mesa wind energy project.

“I applaud Edison International for making this investment in our state,” said Senator Bingaman, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

The High Lonesome Mesa wind energy project supported 250 wind jobs over the past several months.  The project will pay $24 million in taxes and fees to the local and state economies over the next 30 years.

“The climate-friendly energy provided by the High Lonesome project is part of APS’ growing renewable energy portfolio designed to provide reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity for our customers,” said Don Robinson, president and chief operating officer, Arizona Public Service. “With wind from New Mexico and solar from Arizona, our customers are able to take advantage of the best resources each state has to offer.”

Edison Mission Group (EMG) companies comprise the seventh largest developer of wind energy projects in the U.S. with a current portfolio of 25 projects and 1,185 megawatts of capacity in nine states.  This is EMG’s second project in New Mexico–the other, San Juan Mesa, is located near Elida, about 180 miles southeast of High Lonesome Mesa.  That project was dedicated in 2006.

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