WWF, Vattenfall Join Renewables Grid Initiative

Published on: July 7, 2009

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs) have joined together in a new initiative to promote the expansion of renewable energy generation and transmission capacity in Europe.

WWF, Germanwatch, Vattenfall Europe Transmission (VTT.F) and Tennet have all signed on to the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI), calling for a new mandate for energy regulators to enable the development of a modern European grid architecture.

A large-scale integration of renewable energy sources is deemed necessary to reach the European targets of 20% renewable energy by 2020 translating into about 35% renewable electricity. However, a considerable expansion of renewable electricity into the European grid can only be achieved by upgrading and expanding transmission capacity and strategic interconnections required to transport renewable electricity from remote locations to consumption centers, according to the RGI.

The Renewables Grid Initiative is based on scientific work of Antonella Battaglini, Senior Scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and European Climate Forum SuperSmart Grid Process Leader.

Battaglini released the following statement: "A large consensus across society is necessary for this transformation to take
place. NGOs have a key role in representing general public long term interests, in supporting necessary infrastructure
expansions and in contributing to the political process to develop clear, long term mechanisms and regulations. The
transmission operators have a central role in planning and implementing the future grid architecture in full
consideration of the decarbonisation requirements set by the 2050 targets. The Renewables-Grid Initiative sets the
ground for speeding up investments in grid infrastructure, to fully integrate renewable energy sources wherever
they are produced and whenever they become available, in full recognition of environmental concerns. A clear
framework for tailored investments in grid expansion will enable simultaneously large renewable expansion projects,
which substantially contribute to the 2020 and 2050 targets, while stimulating the economy.“

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Comments on “WWF, Vattenfall Join Renewables Grid Initiative”

  1. Galina

    Rebuilding and expanding of European transmission grids is an important problem, but not the most important. The more serious problem is how intermittent renewable sources will cover scheduled baseload and peak load, which always exists in the electricity system. I’d like to know your opinion about it.
    Galina Vitkova


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