World Energy Research To Fund 200MW Tidal Energy Project

Published on: July 6, 2009

World Energy Research and Blue Energy Canada have signed a joint agreement in which World Energy Research will finance the development of Blue Energy Canada’s first 200-megawatts (MW) commercial tidal power project at a cost of roughly half a billion dollars.

The companies did not announce a timeline for the project.

"After exhaustive research, World Energy Research found several companies capable of producing small amounts of energy, but none on the scale of Blue Energy’s Davis Tidal Turbine, which was developed specifically to harness tidal power on a large scale," said Chad Willis, Managing Director of World Energy Research.

BusinessWeek Magazine in its article ‘Innovation from Recession’ just listed Blue Energy’s discovery number one out of the top 20 most important technologies of the next 10 years.

"The Blue Energy vertical-axis turbine represents two decades of Canadian research and development, which generates an inexpensive, non-exhaustible source of environmentally-safe electricity to power the world’s energy needs," says Blue Energy Canada’s CEO, Martin J. Burger.

World Energy Research ( is an independent energy research, exploration, management and operating company that specializes in low-risk, secure, private placement energy investments. Its mission is to create partnerships with leading energy companies on the forefront of technology, making the latest and most productive projects in the world energy market available to its investors. For more information, visit

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