Sustainability Advocates Want Cap-and-Trade Funds for Education

Published on: July 13, 2009

Sustainability advocates in higher education want 1% of proceeds from carbon allowances in a future U.S. cap-and-trade sustem to go towards education in clean energy, environmental literacy and sustainability, according to a report in The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Advocates are circulating a letter among college presidents asking for support of the plan, which could result in $1 billion for education initiatives.

Organizers say they plan to present the plan, called “1% for Education” to Senate leaders by Friday.

According to the report, more than 100 college presidents have already signed the letter, which calls for the creation of major public education programs and the revamping of universities and colleges to become centers of workforce training, education and research into alternative energy and energy effciency. 

The letter also urges for the revitalization of K-12 education through environmental education social studies and “STEM Education for a Sustainable Future.”

“As presidents of colleges and universities across the nation, we stand ready to provide leadership in the nation’s transition to a clean-energy economy,” the letter states. “In fact, higher education currently leads all other sectors in confronting the challenges of climate change and finding practical solutions to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Each year, our education system sends three million graduates into the work force, who need to have the skills and knowledge to contribute to and participate fully in a clean-energy economy.”

The letter is available as a PDF at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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