Solyndra Signs Another Major German Sales Contract

Published on: July 8, 2009

Solyndra, Inc., a manufacturer of innovative photovoltaic (PV) systems for commercial rooftops, has signed a new long-term sales contract with solar integrator Umwelt-Sonne-Energie GmbH (USE), based in Holzgerlingen, Germany.

The Euro-based contract, worth up to $238 million, extends through 2013 and brings Solyndra’s contractual backlog to more than $2.0 billion. The solar panels for these contracts will be manufactured at Solyndra’s facilities in Fremont and Milpitas, California.

In May, Solyndra signed a long-term sales contracts with German solar integrator EBITSCHenergietechnik and SunConnex B.V., based in Amsterdam.

Solyndra’s cylindrical, thin film PV systems are designed to generate more electricity on an annual basis from typical low-slope commercial rooftops, while providing lower installation costs than conventional flat panel PV technologies.

USE is solar integrator based in Holzgerlingen, Germany near Stuttgart. USE designs, builds and services large-scale turnkey PV systems for their customers. The company has additional locations in Germany and various European countries such as Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria and Croatia.

In March, the company received the first loan guarantee offered by the Department of Energy under the Recovery Act.

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Comments on “Solyndra Signs Another Major German Sales Contract”

  1. Brian

    grumpy pelicanSeptember 1, 2011 @ 3:04 pmI guess there’s walays someone willing to sell dreams if someone is willing to buy them. Of course, it is walays nice to consult with those actually paying for it first.Actually, I find this very depressing given my creeping fear that we seem determined to throw money away. Did anyone really look into this company? Did someone really examine the technology? Will anyone even learn a lesson from all of this or will we just be repeating these same errors until there is no more money?


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