Mecasolar To Manufacture Solar Trackers in San Francisco

Published on: July 7, 2009

Mecasolar today announced plans to open a new production plant in San Francisco for one- and two-axis solar trackers, as well as fixed structure mounts for utility-scale solar power plants.

Mecasolar said the production facility is expected to reach full operating capacity of 200 megawatts (MW) per year in the first quarter 2010.

Mecasolar is part of the OPDE Group.

and distribution company Proinso, will distribute the fixed structure and the 1-Axis and 2-Axis Seasonal
Azimuth trackers. Proinso also distributes products made by Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL) and REC (REC.OL) and is a partner of SMA in the
supply of large photovoltaic plants.

Mecasolar has five factories in Spain,
and one in Greece, and plans to open two more in Italy and the U.S. in
2009, as part of its expansion program.

In 2008 the company manufactured 140 MW worth of its 2-axis tracking systems with 180 MW manufactured to date.

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