Labor Department Grants $7.5M for Veterans' Green Job Training

Published on: July 6, 2009

U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis last week announced 17 grants, totaling more than $7.5 million dollars, to provide approximately 3,000 veterans with green job training.

Fields of employment include energy efficiency and renewable energy, modern electric-power development and clean vehicles.

Funds are being awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community organizations.

"These grants will provide our veterans with tools and skills that will ensure they are prepared for the green jobs of today and tomorrow," Solis said.

The 17 organizations receiving funds are located in California, Texax, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Arizona.

The Long Beach office of the United States Veterans Initiative will receive $500,000. The orginazation’s direct Greg McCormack told the Los Angeles Times, "We are seeing more and more veterans who have been out of work and have become recently homeless due to market problems and layoffs."

He said currently there is higher marketdemand for green jobs.

The grants are being awarded under the Labor Department’s Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program. Through the program, veterans receive skills assessments, individual job counseling, classroom or on-the-job training, skills upgrading and placement assistance.

More information on the Labor Department’s unemployment and re-employment programs for veterans is available at the link below.

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