Delmarva, LS Power Participate in 10MW PV Plant

Published on: July 13, 2009

The City of Dover, Delaware and Delmarva Power are finalizing agreements that would lead to the construction of a 10 megawatt (MW), solar power plant on 90 acres of the city’s Garrison Oak Technology Park, to be named Dover SUN Park.

The Dover SUN Park would be the first, utility-scale, solar power plant in the region and would be owned by White Oak Solar Energy, LLC, an affiliate of LS Power. In addition to Delmarva Power, the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation (DEMEC) and the state’s Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) are also considering participation in the project.

Delmarva Power President Gary Stockbridge said: “The Dover SUN Park, when finalized and combined with our four wind energy projects, will go a long way toward ensuring Delmarva Power meets the state of Delaware’s clean energy goals, which is for 20% of our power supply to come from renewable sources by 2019."

Dover has already initiated reduction of its carbon footprint by constructing a 5kW photovoltaic solar array at its Electric Administration building; a second photovoltaic solar array at the Dover Power plant is currently planned. Dover has also upgraded its power plants to utilize a cleaner fuel mix. T

The City recently began offering to all residents a free residential energy audit, where they will come to your home and, with the aid of a thermal image camera, identify cost effective upgrades to conserve energy. In experimenting with energy efficiency, the city also has installed LED street lights.

Delmarva Power expects to be receiving energy for the first of its three new land-based wind farms by the end of this year; the solar project to be completed in 2010; and the offshore wind project to be up and running between 2012 and 2014.

Delmarva Power is a public utility owned by Pepco Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: POM). 

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