Wind Developer Withdraws IPO Plans

Published on: June 12, 2009

Essex Connecticut-based wind power developer Noble Environmental Power LLC withdrew its registration for a $375 million initial public offering (IPO) made last year.

Noble Environmental provided no explanation in its letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission earlier this week.

According to its website, Noble Environmental currently has approximately 3,850 megawatts (MW) of wind power capacity under development in eight states, including New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas and Wyoming.

When the company registered for for the IPO in May 2008, it reported having 282 MW under management with a plan to achieve 4,000 MW by 2012.

The company had planned to list its stock on Nasdaq.

In April 2009, Noble Environmental received long-term capital from GE Energy Services for wind power projectsin New York State.

Other investers in the firm, which was founded in 2004, include the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and JPMP Wind Energy, a private equity division of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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