San Francisco Institutes First Mandatory Composting Law

Published on: June 12, 2009

San Francisco is pushig the envelope on sustainability again. This time passing a mandatory composting law that is believed to be the first in the nation. 

Residents will now have three separate curbside collection bins: one for garbage, one for recycling and another for food scraps. 

The organic material will be composted at commercial scale facilities. The program will return valuable nutrients to topsoil in the regions farms and vinyards, and it will reduce vast amounts of waste that otherwise would be sent to landfills and result in the anaerobic production of methane–a greenhouse gas that is far more potent than the carbon dioxide released through the aerobic process of composting.

Cornell University recently released details of its award-winning composting program

Read more about the San Francisco law at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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