Republicans Offer Nightmarish Energy Plan

Published on: June 11, 2009

U.S. Congressional Republicans unveiled an energy plan on Wednesday taken straight from nightmares of environmentalists.

The plan calls for the building of 100 new nuclear reactors by 2029 and increased oil and gas drilling offshore and in Arctic areas, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The plan is meant to offer an alternative to Democratic energy and climate change bills currently being debated in both houses of Congress.

Republicans held to their time-worn position that climate change should not be addressed, because they are unconvinced that the science is legitimate. Thus, they are focused on increasing energy sources, rather than addressing climate change (actually, they would be contributing to more of it).

Republican leaders said their bill provides incentives to switch to cleaner energy sources, by extending tax credits for renewable energy and streamlining the permit process for nuclear power plants and refineries.

Thankfully, Republicans are in the minority.

In Related News…

Congressional Democrats appear to be abandoning the lofty goals set by President Obama for renewable energy production, as the party has been unable to muster full support for it version of an energy bil.

Obama set a goal of 10% renewable energy by 2012 and 25% by 2025. If Democratic leaders are able to push through a bill mandating renewable energy, it is likely to be set at a much lower target.

Read full coverage at the link below.



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