Maine, Colorado Sign Energy and Transportation Bills

Published on: June 10, 2009

Maine Governor John Baldacci last week signed legislation to improve the permiting process for offshore wind projects.

Bill LD 1465 aims to streamline permitting for projects in the Gulf of Maine, and the state wants to select five test sites by December 15.

Maine already leads New England states in land-based wind power generation, and Baldacci travelled to Washington D.C. last week to speak with Energy Secretary Steven Chu about Maine’s potential for offshore wind. 

According to Bangor Daily News, Federal officials are exploring the possibility of a federally funded offshore wind project, and Maine wants to host the project, as well as a national center for research and development of offshore wind technology.

Offshore wind power in Maine has been estimated at 100 gigawatts, an amount equal to about 10% of the nation’s energy needs.

Colorado Bills

Colorado Governor Bill Ritter last week signed into law three green transportation bills.

SB 75, the Low Speed Electric Self-Propelled Vehicles Bill, allows wider use of "neighborhood electric vehicles," or NEVs. HB 1298, the Economic Development for Trucking Industry in Colorado ("Green Truck") Bill provides green economic development incentives for the long-haul industry. HB 1331, the Incentives for Efficient Motor Vehicles Bill provides an income tax credit for hybrids and alternative fuel vehicles.

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