Hara Unveils Environmental Management Software

Published on: June 3, 2009

Hara, a software startup company backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, on Monday unveiled its software-as-a-service solution which enables organizations to holistically monitor and manage their natural resource consumption and environmental impact.

The company appeared on the scene in 2008. It currently has about 25 employees and hopes to benefit from climate change legislation in the U.S. and abroad that would require companies to monitor and reduce environmental impacts.

HaraTM Environmental and Energy Management (Hara EEM) gives customers auditable transparency and control over their organizational metabolism (OM)–the collective resources consumed and expended by an organization–including energy, fossil fuels, water, waste, carbon, and other resources.

Hara said more than a dozen organizations, including The Coca-Cola Company and the City of Palo Alto, are already using Hara EEM.

"Energy efficiency has never been more critical to corporate performance – directly in terms of bottom line costs but also indirectly in terms of related emissions from non-green energy sources," said Dr. Stephen Stokes, Vice President of Sustainability and Green Technologies at AMR Research. "Tracking, analyzing and optimizing energy usage and emission outputs from economic entities is a crucial, additional, new class of enterprise information which will drive future operational and performance excellence."

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