Washington Governor Issues Executive Order in Place of Cap-and-Trade

Published on: May 27, 2009

Washington Governor Chris Gregoire issued an executive order to cut greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and power sectors, after the state’s legislature refused to adopt a cap-and-trade program. 

The order calls for the expansion of public transit and other programs to meet auto emissons goals, and it calls for an agreement with the state’s only coal-fired power plant to cut carbon dioxide emissions at least 50% by 2025. 

In March, the state legislature rebuffed a cap-and-trade program, leading Gregoire to seek similar greenhouse gas reductions through administrative actions.

"I wanted cap-and-trade. I didn’t get it," Gregoire said.

The situation is similar to what is taking place on the federal level, as the Environmental Protection Agency has taken steps to regulate carbon emissions, should Congress fail to pass a cap-and-trade bill. 

Washington is one of seven states that comitted to participating in the Western Climate Initiative, which aims to set up a carbon market among western states and Canadian provinces. 

Read the full Los Angeles Times report at the link below.

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