Fat Spaniel, Satel Partner On Solar Management System

Published on: May 15, 2009

Fat Spaniel Technologies, Inc., a provider of intelligent management services for renewable energy systems, announced a partnership with Satel Spain, a company specialized in data collection and radio frequency communications solutions.

The companies have taken the first steps to help customers maximize yields from very-large photovoltaic (PV) solar installations where devices can be distributed over hundreds of acres.

“Satel’s radio modem technology provides vital communication capabilities for highly distributed solar operations,” said Chris Beekhuis, founder, president and CTO of Fat Spaniel. “The company’s established presence in the energy industry and its depth of understanding of the requirements and challenges made them the logical choice for our collaborative effort. Our technologies are extremely compatible, and we share a commitment to open, industry standards-based platforms. Our combined skill sets, products, and services will enable the first complete end-to-end management solution for solar.”

Javier de Elias, Managing Director of Satel Spain, said, “Our partnership brings together the two important parts of the responsible energy equation–reliable data acquisition and in-depth analytics. Operators, project managers, solution integrators, and investors will gain increased visibility over their operations, and will be better equipped to meet their production goals.”

As a result of this agreement, both companies will jointly market and sell a solar management solution that includes Satel radio modems and Fat Spaniel’s Insight ManagerTM. Fat Spaniel will host the intelligent management applications and data, and customers will be able to choose the communications configuration and management applications that meet the needs of portfolio managers and analysts.

Satel radio modems communicate wirelessly with each other across a range of up to tens of kilometers. As radio modems are independent of mobile and satellite network operators, no recurring cost is associated with transferring data. Radio modems for both unlicensed and licensed frequency bands are available.

Fat Spaniel’s Insight Manager is a multi-plant management portal that lets managers view power plants at a glance, determine their current states of health, see aggregated production and greenhouse gas statistics, inspect event logs and fault information, and drill down into the details of each plant site.

Based in San Jose, California, Fat Spaniel Technologies, Inc. is a leading independent provider of management and information services to the renewable energy industry. Fat Spaniel also is a third-party monitoring service provider that enables remote plant diagnostics and maintenance; revenue-grade data for billing, REC trading, and performance-based incentive collection; and a compelling platform for energy visualization. Fat Spaniel solutions are deployed in 20 countries and over 2,200 locations across the globe.

Satel specializes in designing and manufacturing radio modems for long range wireless data communication. The company is headquartered in Finland and its distributor network serves more than 100 countries. (www.satel.com)

Website: http://www.fatspaniel.com     
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