DOI To Create Renewable Energy Coordination Offices

Published on: May 6, 2009

To expedite production of renewable energy on public lands, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on Tuesday pledged to create four Renewable Energy Coordination Offices, one each in California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Arizona, along with smaller renewable energy teams in New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Oregon.

The Department of the Interior (DOI) is investing $41 million in stimulus funds to create renewable energy offices and teams that will "cut red tape by
expediting applications, processing, reviews and permitting of
renewable energy projects," according to a DOI release.

Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has a backlog of some 200 solar energy applications and more than 25 wind project applications in western states. Another 200 locations have been identified where applicants would like to begin site testing for future wind projects.

This investment is meant to help DOI swiftly complete reviews on the most ready-to-go renewable energy projects

DOI also said it will be able to complete the reviews and permits for several new transmission projects so they can be ready for construction by 2010.

The $41 million investment was part of a larger funding announcement that includes $269 million to improve energy efficiency and restore landscapes and habitat on public lands.

“Through these economic recovery investments, we are also making a down payment on restoring and protecting the stunning landscapes that BLM manages on behalf of the American people.” Salazar explained. “We will conserve habitat, restore watersheds, clean up abandoned mine sites and wells, and build a legacy of stewardship of which we can be proud.”

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