U.S. Company To Build Queen-Sized Wind Turbines

Published on: April 30, 2009

Aeronautica Windpower, LLC has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Norwin A/S of Denmark to manufacture wind turbines in the U.S. for the North American and Caribbean markets. The Plymouth, MA-based company expects to ship its first turbines later this year.

Aeronautica will be one of the first American-owned companies that will build ‘sub-megawatt’ class (101 to 1000 kilowatts) wind turbines domestically.

Aeronautica is actively seeking a site for a new factory, within New England, to supplement its existing refurbishing facilities in Plymouth, MA. The new plant will directly employ between 80 and 100 people the company said. Hundreds of additional wind jobs will be created from the manufacture of subcomponents and assemblies, which the company plans to source from across the country.

Aeronautica is currently raising expansion capital and negotiating for space. Company officials hope that a portion of the economic stimulus money distributed from the Federal government may be obtained for this purpose.

The new plant will manufacture 225- and 750-kilowatt turbines, the size used by schools and other municipal facilities, shopping centers, industrial parks, and ‘community wind’ projects. Unlike the massive wind turbines used at wind farms in the Midwest, these ‘Queen-sized’ machines are designed to fit on smaller land parcels in more populated areas, thereby powering the facility directly (Distributed Generation).

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