Obama Should Embrace Carbon Tax – Friedman

Published on: April 9, 2009

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman questions whether President Obama has the right policies, politics and personnel in place to convince the country to support clean energy and the fight against climate change. 

He asserts that, try as they may, Democrats can’t avoid the impression of creating a new tax with a cap-and-trade system, so they should simply choose a straight carbon tax, which would be a simpler, more transparent program to sell. 

He also said the President should completely shift the political message towards creating the nation’s investment in energy technology, with the climate benefits as a bonus. 

Finally, he said national security adviser, Gen. James Jones is the person to sell the plan to Americans, not the environmentalists. 

Read the full commentary at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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