Law Suit Target's Obama's Mileage Standard

Published on: April 6, 2009

The Center for Biological Diversity Thursday filed suit to strike down the Obama administration’s corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards for cars, trucks, and SUVs for model year 2011.

The Energy Policy and Conservation Act requires miles-per-gallon standards be set at the “maximum feasible level,” the Center said in a release, yet the Obama rule sets a significantly lower standard than proposed by the Bush administration in 2008, and is much lower than current standards in Europe, Japan, China, and other countries.

The lawsuit was filed against the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Department of Transportation in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

The Obama rule, issued on March 27, requires that passenger cars achieve 30.2 mpg and that SUVs and pick-up trucks achieve only 24.1 mpg in 2011. Both these numbers are lower than Bush’s proposal of 31.2 mpg for passenger cars and 25 mpg for SUVs and light trucks. It will result in millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions more than the Bush proposal.

“Reducing the proposed fuel economy standards is a step backwards from the clean energy future President Obama has promised," said Kassie Siegel, director of the Climate Law Institute at the Center for Biological Diversity. “These low standards, which ignore greenhouse gas emissions and the climate crisis, are illogical, illegal, and very disappointing from a president who has promised to make the United States a leader in the fight against global warming.”

The current European and Japanese standards are about 43.3 and 42.6 mpg, respectively. China’s current standard is 35.8.

“The technology for better, smarter, safer vehicles exists today,"  said Siegel. “The U.S. auto industry is collapsing in large part because it has rejected new, more efficient technologies. These standards embrace instead of reversing this failed approach.”

The transportation sector accounts for about a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,.

“The Obama standards keep the U.S. in last place when it comes to fuel economy,” said Deborah Sivas, director of the Environmental Law Clinic at Stanford Law School, who is representing the Center in the case. “This lawsuit will force the administration to live up to its promise to lead the way in technological innovation and greenhouse gas reductions.”

The new standards come in response to a federal appeals court decision won by the Center and others in 2007 striking down the Bush standards issued in 2006. The court ruled that the standards failed to adequately consider the vehicles’ greenhouse gas emissions. As the Bush administration was formulating new standards, Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act in December 2007, which mandates that the agency require the combined car and truck fleet reach a minimum of 35 mpg by 2020.

In May 2008, the Bush administration issued a new proposal. While those standards were well below what are technically feasible and required by law, they were higher than the final decision issued by the Obama administration last week.

“Obama promised change, but this is change in the wrong direction,” said Siegel. “With all the bailout money spent, the U.S. government practically owns the U.S. auto industry, but unfortunately the bankrupt policies of auto industry lobbyists are still behind the wheel at the Department of Transportation.”

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