Florida Scales Back Everglades Conservation Deal

Published on: April 3, 2009

Florida’s deal to buy 180,000 acres of land to help restore the Everglades is being cut by more than half, because the state can no longer afford the original deal, negotiated for $1.34 billion. 

Governor Charlie Crist announced Wednesday the state will instead by 72,500 acres from U.S. Sugar Corp. at a cost of $533 million.

The goal of the land purchase is to convert farm land into conservation land, allowing water managers to create a system to clean and store water before sending it south into the Everglades.

Kirk Fordham, CEO of the Everglades Foundation, said given the economy, it would have been easy for the governor to abandon the project.

"We’re frankly overjoyed that he hasn’t," Fordham said. "The circumstances that we’re facing dictate flexibility, creativity and perseverance … The governor and the management of U.S. Sugar have exhibited all of those traits to keep this extraordinary project moving forward."

Read Assoicate Press coverage at the link below.

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Comments on “Florida Scales Back Everglades Conservation Deal”

  1. tracy

    Being a South Florida resident I have a keen interest in seeing the Everglades thrive. But, of course, I do use sugar and I myself live in an area that was once wetland. I think the key is to use common sense and find the best balance between the needs of people and the environment.
    Anyway, your readers may like our latest blog: http://homepageheroes.com/shopforcharity-everglades-park-saving-florida-animals
    It speaks about a couple of charities that are doing a lot to preserve Everglades National Park and how we can all help (for free).
    Best regards, Tracy
    PS – We have one of the coolest pictures of an American Alligator I have ever seen. I’m sure you will enjoy it.


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