EPA Opens Ethanol Comment Period, Considers Strict Standard

Published on: April 17, 2009

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comments on
a waiver application to increase the amount of ethanol that can be
blended into a gallon of gasoline to up to 15 volume percent (E15).

Since 1978, the limit has been at ten volume percent ethanol (E10) for
conventional (non flex-fuel) vehicles. The comment period will be open
for 30 days after the notice is published in the Federal Register.

Growth Energy and 54 ethanol manufacturers submitted the E15
application to EPA on March 6, 2009. Current statute calls for EPA to
make a decision within 270 days of receipt, which is December 1, 2009.

For more information on E15 request visit the EPA website.

In Related News…

The EPA plans to quantify greenhouse-gas emissions associated with renewable fuels.

Ethanol producers have already been hit hard by high corn prices and
weak demand for gasoline, into which ethanol is blended. New accounting
by the EPA could add to the struggling industry’s woes and discourage
new producers from entering the market, according to a Dow Jones report

A stringent standard for calculating emissions from the fuel
could include the impact from clearing land to make room for corn
production, which absorbs less greenhouse gases than forests or
grasslands. Such a regulation could force some ethanol producers to
report large emissions, which would disqualify their fuel from federal
biofuel targets..

Read the full report at the link below.

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