DOE Announces $12M in Funding for Advanced Water Power

Published on: April 10, 2009

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for up to $12 million to support the research and development of advanced water power technologies, including both marine and hydrokinetic and conventional hydropower technologies.

The FOA provides industry members and industry-led partnerships the opportunity to conduct research in three topic areas, adding to the existing $7.3 million that DOE committed in 2008 to the research, development, demonstration and deployment:

  • Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion Device or Component Design and Development to develop, refine and/or test marine and hydrokinetic energy conversion devices or components.
  • Marine and Hydrokinetic Site-specific Environmental Studies to investigate the environmental impacts related to the installation, testing, and operation of marine and hydrokinetic energy conversion devices.
  • Advanced Water Power Market Acceleration Projects to conduct resource and cost assessments of U.S. offshore, in-stream, ocean thermal and advanced hydropower resources.

Mandatory letters of intent are due May 6, 2009, and completed applications are due July 4, 2009. The complete FOA (DE-FOA-0000069), can be viewed on the FedConnect Web site at the link below. Projects are expected to begin in Fiscal Year 2009.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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