Congo Republic Offers Huge Land Area to South African Farmers

Published on: April 16, 2009

The Republic of Congo has offered South African farmers 10 million hectares of farm land in an effort to increase the country’s food security. 

The area of land is twice the size of Switzerland and is to be used for growing maize and soy beans as well as poultry and dairy farming.

South Africa has one of the most developed agriculture sectors on the continent, and is Africa’s top maize producer and No.3 wheat grower.

"They’ve given us 10 million hectares, and that’s quite big when you consider that in South Africa we have about 6 million hectares of land that is arable," said Theo de Jager, deputy president of the farmers union Agriculture South Africa.

The deal, which is to be finalized next month, will be a 99-year, no cost lease. 

Read the full Reuters report at the link below.

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