Billions Needed for Smart Grid – FERC Chairman

Published on: April 9, 2009

The National Journal published an interview titled "A Greener FERC" with Jon Wellinghoff, the new chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Below are some excerpts of Wellinghoff’s comments:

"The amount of renewables [generated in the United States] right now is relatively low. So to double it in three years is not out of the question… When you get to a 20 to 25% level of renewables nationwide, then we’re starting to look at some transmission challenges of a significant level."

"It is ambitious, but I think a 50% renewable portfolio standard is do-able. I’ll tell you, there are states that I know intimately, like Nevada. I’ve already done some fairly simplified analyses that demonstrate that a state like Nevada could have 80% of its energy resources come from renewables. I’m quite confi-
dent of that."

"We do need some legislation to create a backbone, extra-high voltage grid that would deliver remote renewable resources."

"That $11 billion is just seed money to what really will be necessary to build this grid in the way that we’re talking about to promote renewables. We’re talking probably $100 billion or $200 billion for the whole system."

Read the entire interview at the link below.



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