Arctic Ice Is Much Thinner – Experts

Published on: April 7, 2009

From the Associated Press:

As spring begins, more than 90% of the sea ice in the Arctic is only 1 or 2 years old, making it thinner and more vulnerable than at anytime in the past three decades, researchers with NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado reported Monday.

"We’re not set up well for summertime," ice data center scientist Walt Meier said at a news briefing. "We’re in a very precarious situation."

The amount of thick sea ice hit a record wintertime low of just 378,000 square miles this year, down 43% from last year, Meier said.

In addition, The U.S. Geological Survey last week released a detailed map of the Antarctic coastline and found dwindling and even disappearing ice shelves.

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