Los Angeles Tops List For Energy-Efficient Buildings

Published on: March 4, 2009

Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston are the cities with the greatest number of energy efficient buildings, according to a new list released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

The list ranks U.S. metropolitan areas with the largest number of buildings in 2008 that earned EPA’s Energy Star. The top ten are rounded out by Washington, D.C., Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis-St Paul, Atlanta and Seattle.

“Energy Star buildings typically use 35% less energy and emit 35% less greenhouse gases than average buildings,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “EPA commends all of these cities and all of the others, as well as countless individuals, who are now using more energy efficient appliances and dwellings. They are saving energy, saving money and protecting our environment.”

In 2008, more than 3,300 commercial buildings and manufacturing plants earned the Energy Star–EPA’s label for high efficiency–representing savings of more than $1 billion in utility bills and more than 7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. These buildings include schools, hospitals, office buildings, courthouses, grocery stores, retail centers and auto assembly plants.

The total for Energy Star qualifying buildings and plants in America is now more than 6,200 with overall annual utility savings of more than $1.7 billion and the prevention of the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of more than 2 million cars a year, according to EPA statistics.

Energy use in commercial buildings and manufacturing plants accounts for nearly half of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and nearly half of energy consumption nationwide.

To view a list of Energy Star buildings and plants, including those in the 2008 Top 25 Cities visit the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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