LIPA Chooses BP, enXco for Solar Installations

Published on: March 19, 2009

Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) announced the selection of BP Solar and enXco, to provide up to 50 megawatts (MW) of solar power within its territory, including a large installation to be hosted on the federal property of Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL) in Upton, New York.

BP Solar, a unit of BP (NYSE: BP) will begin negotiations with LIPA for two separate power plants at BNL to provide a combined 36.9 MW of solar energy. Once completed, the installation will be the largest in the state.

Additionally, enXco, an EDF Energies Nouvelles Company (FR:EEN), will supply 13.1 MW of solar energy from facilities constructed and operated on municipal, school and private properties across Long Island.

“I commend Governor Paterson for challenging LIPA to find ways to harness the power of the sun," Kevin S. Law, President and CEO of LIPA, said. "This project will diversify Long Island’s energy portfolio, strengthen the local economy, transform the solar photovoltaic marketplace and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.”

BP Solar said it expects negotiations for a 20-year power purchase agreement with LIPA for its two projects to begin immediately and wrap up in the coming months.

In addition to the 36.9 MW, BP Solar will work independently with BNL to construct additional solar panels to help the Laboratory become more energy efficient and independent, and will partner with BNL in developing a solar photovoltaic R&D facility that will be used for research, education and outreach. This component adds another unique dimension to the project as it will help to advance the next wave of improved solar photovoltaic technology. This would include the testing of modules with different types of solar cells, glass encasements and wiring arrangements that could also yield information to support research on various battery and storage technologies.

All summary findings from the data collected under this BP-BNL research collaboration would be available to LIPA and the public, and would be used to help inform and improve the next generation of solar photovoltaic systems and design.

The 50 MW of solar energy builds on LIPA’s Solar Pioneer program, which boasts more than 1,700 participants and has resulted in more than $36 million in LIPA rebates. Earlier this year, LIPA launched its Solar Entrepreneur program for businesses and municipal solar installations with capacities of up to 100 kilowatts (kW). In January, LIPA became the first utility in the State to implement commercial net metering through new tariff provisions that will allow commercial customers to sell excess power generated back to LIPA.

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